A hand with a pink rubber glove holding a white and pink striped donut.
Three small bottles of milk with small colourful donuts with sprinkles being held by colourful striped straws.

A sweet history

The origin of candy can be traced to the ancient Egyptians who combining fruits and nuts with honey. Around the same time, Greeks used honey to make candied fruits and flowers.

First modern candies were made in 16th century and sweet manufacturing developed rapidly into an industry during the early 19th century.


We're located at:

123 Fake Street


United Kingdom

A soft pink machine that dispenses white candy balls on a light blue background.
Lots of colourful sprinkles being thrown in the air from a champagne glass being held by a human with lilac nail polish.


Skip the queue

We recommend buying your tickets in advance to secure your spot.

You also get to skip the queue with advance tickets.